Lagoon Saddle Tarns / Mount Bruce | Arthur's Pass National Park

Lagoon Saddle Tarns / Mount Bruce

Arthurs Pass National Park

We have so many trips on our bucket list…

…in fact, we even have a 5 year trip list plan on the back of our toilet door!

Sometimes it’s good to deviate though and select trips that are just suited to the moment. Picking trips that vibe with the group skillset, the weather and your schedule are crucial to getting maximum fulfilment for everyone. We were keen to do something that was long enough to get the kids puffing + high enough to give us those epic Arthurs Pass views. On this occasion, we had a glorious three days of sunshine forecasted so a North facing route & campsite were essential. We were keen to avoid the crowds and tent + we wanted to reward the kids’ hard work with 2 nights at the same spot so we could have a day up our sleeves to relax, have fun and - of course , explore! More often than not, it’s the self-directed adventures that happen in the kids’ ‘downtime’ (away from the boring adults) which they remember the most so choosing trips that allow for this is really important to us.

Basing ourselves at the spectacular Lagoon Saddle Tarns gave us all-day sun (massive mood-booster) and the opportunity for a day trip to both Lagoon Saddle Huts and the mighty Mount Bruce. As a bonus, the tarns were beautiful and also provided a clean water source.

Anywho, I’ll let the this wee film do the rest of the talking. If you’d like more specific info on the trip - especially tips in relation to tramping with kids, feel free to comment!

Click here for Department of Conservation info.