Hiking the Abel Tasman Coast Track with Kids // Abel Tasman National Park

Hiking the Abel Tasman Coast Track with Kids

A Great Walk in Abel Tasman National Park

marahau - totaranui route

For more specific DOC information on this trip, click here.

Our film is linked below!

Whether experienced or novice, the Abel Tasman Coast Track is simply exceptional.

For us, it was something a wee bit different. The kids have done heaps of bush & sub-alpine hikes so we were pumped for them to experience a walk that was in contrast to those landscapes.

Having recently hiked to Angelus Hut (a classic & challenging NZ sub-alpine trip) the kids loved the mostly flat, wide open track. Meandering in and out of countless paradisiacal bays & beaches was so cool.

The distance between the various huts/campsites affords you with time (pending tides, see below) to take it slow and embrace those…

…beach vibes!

If you’re taking kids, here’s some tips:

  • Check the tides! Here is a handy tide table provided by DOC. There are two estuaries on this route that are low-tide crossing only. You’ll need to plan your walk around tides to avoid several extra hours of navigating high-tide routes. This could potentially REALLY suck with kids so preparation is key.

  • Do it over 4 days! Although the track is a compacted sand highway (mostly 2-way) and the distances between campsites is not great, it’s still a big ask of any kid, so pacing it out over 4 days makes it more achievable and enjoyable. It also means you can stop for swims!

  • Take the Awaroa Lodge track! On Day 3, after climbing Tonga Saddle, you have the option to descend down to Awaroa Lodge via a non-DOC track. DO IT. We didn’t as information about this route was vague. Even if the tides aren’t in your favour, still take this route. Chill out at the lodge (fully catered bar/cafe) and then at low-tide, continue the short walk/wade along the high-tide mark to the beach to Awaroa Campsite . The official DOC route SUCKS. It’s loooong, quite steep in sections and when it’s hot, this route is really tough on kids (& adults). The topmap does not accurately reflect how tough this section is.

  • If camping, we recommend the Weka range of hiking tents from Kiwi Camping. I’ve owned A LOT of tents of the years and can confidently say these tents are both superior in quality and value for money. Best tents I’ve ever owned. We own both the Weka 2 & Weka 3. Check them out here.